We can learn so much from those who are already successful...
Whether our goals are weight-loss, optimal health & fitness, career orientated, wealth building – whatever - we can always learn from those who have already achieved what we strive for.
It amazes me to think that we live in a age where we can gain immediate access to some of the worlds most successful people through the medium of books, videos and live appearances.
With that in mind I want you to watch this video very closely.
I know you’ll find it inspiring, motivating and insightful.
Listen closely to what he has to say about maximum effort – are you really giving your goals maximum effort or are you just going through the motions?
Yours in health & happiness
Giles Wiley - The Fitness Gentleman
PS. If you’re not 100% happy with your health & fitness progress there are still a few places left on my Coaching Program – e-mail me now for more information.
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor
Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008
**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**
We all get the occasional snap, crackle and pop of the joints…
In fact, just the other day I mentioned to one of my clients, who’s anOrthopedic surgeon, that my knee had started to pop when going up stairs.
I'm not sure what response I expected – you see I’ve been very disappointed with Orthopedic surgeons over the years. I’ve personally found them to be very narrow minded in their approach to dis-ease in the body.
She laughed at my question, and asked me if I was over thirty? I replied that I was!
“Its OA then!” was her response.” Osteoarthritis?” I asked. “No OA – old age” she said in a dismissive way.
So that was it… my knee popping was due to ageing and there was nothing to be done about it. No discussion of muscular imbalances around the knee, no suggestion of instability or weakness due to my broken foot.
OA – that’s BS I thought!
I resolved that I’d fix the popping within 2 weeks.
Well, 2 weeks of trigger point work using the Tension Release Balls on the ITB and Quadriceps for a few minutes a day, and some basic stability and strengthening exercises for my ankle and knee taken from the Opening the Energy Gates sequence and the popping has gone.
I can walk up stairs with no sign of the previous problem.
If I’d simply listened to my client who knows what state my knee would be in a few years time.
Now, I’m not saying we should never go to the doctor or never seek an expert opinion but I do encourage you strongly to learn how to take care of your own body.
Many of the aches and pains in the body can be attributed to misalignment, or imbalances around the joints and most of these can be rectified with the correct flexibility and strengthening work.
If you want to learn more about taking care of your own body I strongly encourage you to get hold of 5-Minute Flexibility.
PS. “5-Minute Flexibility” is now available as an e-book – download your copy today at www.thefitnessgentleman.com
Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2009 **The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**
I had a long exhausting day at my studio yesterday and by the time I got home I felt like collapsing on the couch.
Normally, I squeeze in my workouts in the early afternoon because I know they get harder the later in the day that I leave them. However yesterday I didn’t even have a spare 20 minutes for a quick session.
So it was I arrived home wiped out and the last thing on my mind was exercise.
Fortunately, my wife reminded me what our friend and Yoga instructor, Paula, always says, “the time we most need to exercise is the time we least feel like it – those times we feel tired or rundown are the times we really need all the benefits of exercise!”
I knew she was right and with some cajoling I changed into my running gear, grabbed the dog and got out of the house before I could get sucked in by the inviting comfort of the couch.
It was a beautiful stormy evening at the beach and the cool sea breeze soon blew out any cobwebs I had. 40 minutes later I felt like a new man; my mind was clear, my body felt alive, I was energized and looking forward to an evening with my family.
I took away 3 key lessons from this incident:
1) We all have days that we don’t feel like exercise and it’s really easy to put it off. 2) The times we don’t feel like exercise are those times that we probably need it the most. 3) We all need someone in our lives who is willing to encourage, cajole and push us.
If you feel like you need guidance and motivation or just someone to push you harder than you can push yourself check out my monthly coaching program at http://fitnessgentlemanscoaching.com/
Yours in health & happiness Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor
**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**
I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch the last few weeks but I’m back in action now and raring to bring you the best health, fitness and flexibility tips available.
Some of you may not be feeling it yet but Spring and Summer are fast approaching (here in Florida we’re enjoying temperature in the mid 80’s but I know some areas of the country are being hit by blizzards).
And, of course with Spring and Summer come shorts, skirts and of course bathing suits…
I realize that many of you may be feeling less than your best after a long winter so I’ve decided to get together 7 of the worlds leading experts on fat-loss to conduct a teleseminar for you.
I want these experts to answer your most pressing questions regarding fat loss and getting the body of your dreams in time for summer.
So please e-mail me now with your most pressing fat-loss questions.
This teleseminar series will be conducted over 7 weeks in May and June and will be free for all. Please e-mail me your questions now.
Name: Giles Wiley Home: Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States About Me: Giles - The Fitness Gentleman - is the author of "5-Minute Flexibility - Rapid Releases for Tight & Tired Muscles" and the publisher of the online newsletter "Optimal Health, Fitness & Weight Loss Tips".
He was given the name The Fitness Gentleman by his clients and colleagues because of his refined approach to fitness and fat-loss.
Giles is in demand as a speaker and coach.
He spent many years travelling the world studying and training alongside the best of the best in all aspects of physical performance.
He is university-trained in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, & Physiotherapy, as well as being a highly experienced, international level Martial Artist. See my complete profile