The Fitness Gentleman

Friday, June 27, 2008
Why Do YOU Eat?
This is going to be a controversial Blog today.

Let me start by asking you why you eat?

Did you realize that slim healthy people and overweight out of shape people eat for different reasons?

They don’t just eat and drink different things they actually attach different meanings to their food and have different intentions for the things they ingest….

Consequently they see dramatically different results in their body shape and health.

Slim and healthy people eat for nourishment. They eat to make themselves stronger and healthier. They realize that good food will give them the fuel they need to live the life they desire. Each bite of food is appreciated and they know it’s doing them good.

Overweight and unhealthy people vacillate between being terrified of eating – worried that it will make them fatter and unhealthier, and the next moment worshipping food – eating for emotional reasons- scoffing down large quantities of fattening food.

I want to give you a field mission now.

You’re going to be like an anthropologist studying animals in the wild…

Next time you’re out to eat I want you to watch how slim and healthy people eat. Observe how they eat slowly and carefully – appreciating their food but not making it their center of attention. Note their upright posture, their breathing; their relaxed facial expressions…take in as much detail as possible.

Then observe people who are obviously overweight and unhealthy and watch how they eat rapidly with little thought as to how they take in their food, note their hunched posture, their shallow breathing, the look of either slight discomfort or intense pleasure in their face.

Your final project is to mimic each group as closely as possible and see how it makes you feel.

First mimic the overweight group and then the slim group.

Note how you feel and how the food even tastes differently.

Think about this exercise the next time you eat.

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. To order your “5-Minute Flexibility” DVD go right now to

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be
considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or
changing any fitness program.**
posted by Giles Wiley @ 3:22 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Power of 3 for Fat Loss & optimal Health
In his excellent book “The Success Principles” Jack Canfield talks about the power of 5.

He says if you were to take a very sharp axe to a large tree and take just 5 good swings at it every day – no matter how large the tree was eventually it would come down.

No matter how huge your goals and dreams seem right now – if you take a few concerted steps each and every day you will eventually attain them.

I personally find 5 a little too much for me and most of my clients.

In fact, we’ve found 3 to be the magic number when it comes to goal attainment.

Start each day by asking yourself these questions:

1) What 3 things can I do today to move me towards my goals?

2) Who can help me with these?

3) How will I feel once I’ve completed them?

Write out the 3 things you plan to accomplish.

Pay particular attention to who can help you because this really is a team sport and having the support and assistance will make or break you in pursuing your goals.

Take some time to actually feel what it will be like when you’ve accomplished these 3 tasks – the feeling of accomplishment, satisfaction, pride, joy - the knowledge that you’ve moved measurably closer towards achieving your goals!

If optimal health, flexibility and energy are part of your goal then you need the brand new 5-Minute Flexibility DVD

Go to right now.

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. To order your “5-Minute Flexibility” DVD go right now to

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**

This email is protected by copyright, 2008, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.
posted by Giles Wiley @ 5:25 AM   0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lose Fat while YOU Sleep
Following my blogl last week on the dangers of too much sleep – I’ve had many people contact me to discuss the importance of sleep. Many have thanked me for discussing the fact that too much sleep can be as harmful as too little.

So, now that I’ve given you reasons why not to oversleep – here are some reasons that quality sleep is so important:

Good quality sleep – between 6-8 hours can help you:

1) Live longer and healthier.

2) Look better feel better – lack of qualiy sleep can reduce the levels of growh hormone the so-called elixir of youth.

3) Be happier and less stressed – less sleep means higher levels of stress hormones like Cortisol.

4) Build a better brain – lack of sleep can have cognitive and physical effects similar to those brought on by overindulging in alcohol.

5) LOSE A FEW POUNDS – with sleep deprivation we see a reduction in metabolism and an increase in appetite.

There is a lowering of levels of Leptin hormone – the hormone that makes you feel full - and an increase in levels of Ghrelin the hormone that makes you feel hungry.

Sleep deprivation also influences your food choices making you crave high-carb and high-sugar foods.

Sleep loss also decreases Insulin sensitivity putting you at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

If you need help learning how to relax and let go of muscle tension you need the new 5-Minute Flexibility DVD.

This brand new DVD includes flowing sequences to alleviate aches and pains and dramatically enhance flexibility,and your ability to sleep.

Here’s that address again

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. To order your “5-Minute Flexibility” DVD go right now to

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**

This email is protected by copyright, 2008, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the
express written consent of Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.
posted by Giles Wiley @ 11:39 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
For Good Health Treat YOUR Feet
If you’re in search of good health you want to start by treating your feet!

Pressing of the feet is a health practice that can be traced back to Ancient Egyptian times.

Treating the feet still forms an integral part of most Asian health care - have you ever noticed the number of foot massage places in China Town?

Rolling the Tension Release Ball under your foot can improve your flexibility, release lower back pain and boost your energy levels.

There are a line of pressure points along the inner arch that you can massage with your thumb or with the ball to release the rear of the body.

And, if you’re in search of a quick energy boost try stimulating the Kidney Pressure Point right in the center of the base of your foot…

If you’re one of the many people who suffer from Plantar-Fasciatis or heel-spurs then rolling your feet is something you need to start doing right now.

If you’re a runner, a martial artist, or involved in any sport with repetitive jarring then you desperately need to start taking care of your feet.

In Five-Minute Flexibility I outline numerous strategies for treating the feet and to make it even easier I’ve now released the 5-Minute Flexibility DVD.

Order you DVD now – go to

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. Here’s that address again

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**

This email is protected by copyright, 2008, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.

Giles Wiley
Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.
1228 Linkside Drive
Atlantic Beach
Florida 32233
posted by Giles Wiley @ 11:24 AM   0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I Just found YOU an extra 40 Minutes a Day!
Great news - I’ve just found YOU the 40 minutes a day you need for exercise!

For years we’ve all been told that 8 hours sleep is the absolute minimal we should be aiming for however the latest research seems to be showing differently.

Daniel Kripke of the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center compared the death rates of more than 1 million Americans and found that that people who sleep between 6.5 hours and 7.5 hours a night, as they report, live the longest. And people who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 6.5 hours; they don't live quite as long.

This research has been backed up by similar research coming out of Europe.

So, make sure you get good quality sleep but don’t obsess about your 8 hours – in fact try getting up 40 minutes early for some exercise or a few routines from my new “5-Minute Flexibility” DVD.

Here’s the full article for those who have time:

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley – The Fitness Gentleman
Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. To order your “5-Minute Flexibility” DVD go right now to

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**

This email is protected by copyright, 2008, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.
posted by Giles Wiley @ 6:46 PM   0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Pain is only Temporary?
I was recently on my friend Jon Hinds web-site and thought I’d steal this great quote;

“Pain is a warning sign to be listened to. The problem is most people ignore it and accept it as a way of life that leads to less and less movement and activity. We can learn from aches and pains to re-balance our bodies and minds to revive our health and happiness” ~ Jon Hinds, Owner & Founder of the Monkey Bar Gym

I’ve been hearing more and more personal trainers and coaches lately throwing around military slogans such as, “Pain is only weakness leaving the body” or “Pain is temporary Victory is forever!”

Maybe these sorts of slogans are OK if you’ve got only 6 weeks to get recruits ready for War.

But our focus needs to be on long term health not juts short term survival.

Generally these sorts of sayings are thrown around by 20 some-things who don’t realize by 40 they’re going to be a mess of hip, knee shoulder and back pain.

I really want you all to be fit and healthy and pain free at 93!

So, work out intelligently, exercise the body as one harmonious unit and unless you’re getting ready for War remember that pain is there for a reason...

…to let us know when we are misaligned, when our muscles and fascia have built up trigger points, when we need to take some time to work on healing ourselves.

“5-Minute Flexibility” is now available on DVD and it’s designed to relieve muscle and joint pain and realign your body for energy, strength and flexibility.

Go now to the products page on

Yours in health & happiness
Giles Wiley – The Fitness GentlemanFitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

PS. For more help with re-connecting to your body make sure you read 5-Minute Flexibility – go now to

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008
**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**
This email is protected by copyright, 2008, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Wiley Exercise Systems LLC.
posted by Giles Wiley @ 9:27 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
5-Minute Flexibility on the Renegade Health Show
My friend Kevin Gianni recently demonstrated some of the techniques from the 5-Minute Flexibility series on The Renegade Health Show.

These are great techniques for releasing the lower back and hamstrings and improving your flexibility instantly...

Here's that link again

Go to for more information and remember the DVD is being launched this week!!

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley

Fitness Expert, Author, Magazine Contributor
posted by Giles Wiley @ 6:23 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Celebrate Yours Successes
I’ve just returned from a week in Connecticut where we attended my wife’s, Denise, PhD graduation ceremonies at Yale University.

It was three few days of processions and ceremonies combined with parties and celebrations.

We loved it and I’m so proud of her but it made me think how seldom most of us get to celebrate our successes in life.

It’s also true that most of us ignore the old adage Success Breeds Success!

We think that success is something we have little control over – we put it on a pedestal and consider it out of reach.

You may not have been told this before but the fact is that we get to choose what we consider a success. It is up to us to celebrate success every day so that small successes become bigger successes.

All of the great motivation speakers and writes stress the importance of keeping a Success Journal and of finishing each day by writing down at least 5 successes for the day.

These can be as simple as; getting up 10 minutes early for a few minutes of breathing exercises before starting the day, remembering to give thanks for your family and friends, eating a healthy breakfast and preparing snacks to take to work, completing your 30 minute workout, writing in your Success Journal…

Remember you get to choose what a success is and it can be as big or small as you like.

You’ll find that something magical happens when you actually write down these successes. You start to feel more “successful” and your confidence grows and grows. Soon your small successes become bigger and bigger successes.

Celebrate your successes!

Yours in health & happiness

Giles Wiley - The Fitness Gentleman

PS. If you’re not 100% happy with your health & fitness levels there are still a few places left on my Coaching Program – e-mail me now for a copy of my health & fitness survey.

Fitness expert, Author & Magazine Contributor

Copyright, Wiley Exercise Systems LLC, 2008

**The contents of this daily email are not to be
considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or
changing any fitness program.**
posted by Giles Wiley @ 5:00 AM   0 comments
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Optimal Health, Fitness & Weight Loss Tips
About Me

Name: Giles Wiley
Home: Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States
About Me: Giles - The Fitness Gentleman - is the author of "5-Minute Flexibility - Rapid Releases for Tight & Tired Muscles" and the publisher of the online newsletter "Optimal Health, Fitness & Weight Loss Tips". He was given the name The Fitness Gentleman by his clients and colleagues because of his refined approach to fitness and fat-loss. Giles is in demand as a speaker and coach. He spent many years travelling the world studying and training alongside the best of the best in all aspects of physical performance. He is university-trained in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, & Physiotherapy, as well as being a highly experienced, international level Martial Artist.
See my complete profile
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